Thursday, December 12, 2019

More Tests... Relief Coming Soon

Hello people,
It's been a while since I have posted, but there is still alot of stuff that has happened over the past few weeks. So many tests... I have a Physics test tomorrow, and am writing this post right on the time when I should be studting for my physics test. I've had multiple school assignments over the past few weeks that have kept me busy. Social life has also been damaged a bit. I've read other peoples blogs not only for this post, but also for school work from other classes. I just finished my custom book cover for the famous novel, 1984, by George Orwell. 
Over the last few weeks, I have worked on essays and reports for 2 subjects, English and Global Perspectives. It has gone well though, and there is definitely some relief coming in the future. The relief is the Winter Vacation, starting from coming Wednesday. Ok, I have to study for my physics test tomorrow, or my grade will drop in the hole. See you later peeps.