Thursday, December 12, 2019

More Tests... Relief Coming Soon

Hello people,
It's been a while since I have posted, but there is still alot of stuff that has happened over the past few weeks. So many tests... I have a Physics test tomorrow, and am writing this post right on the time when I should be studting for my physics test. I've had multiple school assignments over the past few weeks that have kept me busy. Social life has also been damaged a bit. I've read other peoples blogs not only for this post, but also for school work from other classes. I just finished my custom book cover for the famous novel, 1984, by George Orwell. 
Over the last few weeks, I have worked on essays and reports for 2 subjects, English and Global Perspectives. It has gone well though, and there is definitely some relief coming in the future. The relief is the Winter Vacation, starting from coming Wednesday. Ok, I have to study for my physics test tomorrow, or my grade will drop in the hole. See you later peeps.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Raahim Digests A Lot of Tests at Once and Then Recovers

Hello peeps,

It's the 28th of November, 2019 and school life has gotten a lot less tense then before. I recently switched math classes and I had to take a lot of tests and have finally switched. My previous math teacher was expecting me to receive more homework, but it turned out that I got less homework than the standard level math class. It was a a great relief after all the tests I had taken until I found out the new math class had another test and I was not excused from it. I didn't study for that test, and I just did my best the next day. I did surprisingly well considering the circumstances

Over the past few weeks, I also wrote multiple essays for other classes which had abandoned my sleep for a while, but I have a report to finish. The report is supposed to be written progressively over two months, but it is likely that everyone will be working last-minute. After all my school is full of students who can teach best on how to procrastinate in school. Not just school, but also in completing any task. I recently started working on some basketball skills and have joined after-school basketball and am hoping I can improve some skills, since I'm a newbie at basketball.

Time to end the blog, bye peeps.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Raahim's First Blog

Hello everyone!

This is Raahim and I am doing blogging from today on on just to get an experience of blogging. In the blogs I will be talking about, my daily routine, how life is very busy these days and about myself. My blogs will be on different genres such as travel, school, and life. 

Now let's talk about myself. I like to travel and visit different cultures. I have lived in 6 countries all very different from each other. I was born in Iran, I have lived in Pakistan, Sudan, the United States, Malaysia, and Indonesia. I plan to visit Europe in the future. Since I was born, I have been influenced by many different cultures. I have mostly studied in diverse schools all over the world. I started school in Pakistan, did some parts of elementary school in Sudan, came back to Pakistan and finished elementary school. I then went to the US and finished middle school and then started high school. I went back to Pakistan and continued high school, and now I'm in Indonesia, bound to finish high school here, and study abroad. Studying in different school with diverse communities has influenced my development and opened my mind to the world.

OK, it's time for me to end this blog here, so I'll write again later.